Friday, December 14, 2012

Guess I picked a good week to go with less detail!

What a week!  I've been so busy dealing with full days at work and a sick baby at night it's been just nuts.  To top it off a co-worker lost her step dad so there was a funeral and less staff at work.  Again, LONG days!  I honestly can't remember what I did food wise each day from Tuesday and Wednesday!
Oatmeal for Breakfast.
Chicken Sandwich and Protein shake for lunch
1 hour of skyrobics with circuit training!  WOWZER! I might die!
Dinner was late.  After skyrobics was over at 8, Kristi and Christy and I all visited in the parking lot for a bit, then I headed to the grocery store!  I used this as my cool down session! Walking up and down every aisle!
Got home, unloaded all groceries.  Only to hear Lucy in her bed hacking away.  She was asleep but not well.  So I got her up, got out the breathing treatment and ran a course through her.  I filled up her humidifier and put her back to bed with a dose of Tylenol for her fever and pain from coughing!  I feel so bad for her when she feels like this. She just looks miserable.

So she was finally in bed by 9:40 and I didn't want a full on meal by this point.  So I made a lighter version of one of my fav snacks.  1/3 less fat cream cheese.  Pepper jelly.  Reduced fat wheat thins.  It was just enough to satisfy my craving and give me something to eat!  I was pretty hungry!  So I was very proud of myself for having a light dinner.  Dinner is usually my downfall!  I do good all day then I get home for dinner and over-do-it!

**Bonus notes**
-  Bill came by to see me at work today, because he missed me.  He said right away "you're getting skinny"  I laughed, skinny is not the word!  But it felt nice that someone who's only seen me 1 other time in my four week journey could see the difference.

- Jason commented last night that he thought the backs of my legs were getting smaller.  Again I laughed.  I jokingly said, yes I've always thought to myself I wish the backs of my legs were smaller! LOL  Hey, he was trying and he made the comment all on his own.  I should be nicer! 

Any comments like this really help me stay motivated!  I need to know that me efforts are getting me somewhere!  I need to feel like the sore muscles are for a good cause!

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