Thursday, December 20, 2012

Krueger-Christmas Vacation!

This year I have happen to have a week of vacation time left to take before the end of the year.  We are required to take 2 weeks and I took a week in March when we went to Myrtle Beach, but never took anything else since! 

Jason earned a third week of vacation with his 10 year anniversary with Weaver's Auto Center in June.  So he has a week left to take as well. 

I will be off starting today at 5pm until I return to work at 8am on Wednesday, January 2.  That's a whopping 12 days off!  I am so excited to have time to do what I want and spend time with family and friends and not have to worry about work! 

I will still be thinking about work, in the sense that I will be weighing in for the completion weigh in on January 7th, so my time off will be spent making good food choices and working out when I can!  I actually plan on doing a few two-a-days!  YIKES, wish me luck.  Two work outs in one day might just be the death of me! 

Jason will be off starting Friday at 5 and will also be off until January 2!  If the gym doesn't kill me he might!  That's a lot of together time!  LOL! ;)

Our evenings are filling up FAST!

Friday night: Max Masters' 4th Birthday party
Saturday night: Josh & Molly Turner are hosting a Cousins Christmas at their GIANT new home!
Sunday night: Krueger Christmas @ the in-laws
Monday night: GG is having everyone over for Christmas for the little ones
Tuesday: Christmas at our house in the AM, Moms house around Lunch and Jaime Landie's house that afternoon/evening. 

We also hope to do some movies, sky zone, power play, and possibly a trip to Halstead, KS to see Great Grandpa Harry and maybe, just maybe a final trip to Silver Dollar City for a day to see the lights, ride the train and continue our Holiday tradition in Branson!  That's very dependant on weather and how much money we really have left after Christmas is officially over!  HA!

I guess I should point out that NONE of this will happen as I have planned if the Myans were right and the end of the world is really tomorrow!  If it is....I'll see all of your lovely faces in Heaven!  Save me a good seat! 
(PS I don't believe any of the end of the world stuff!)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Krueger Klan!

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