Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My baby is a baby no more...

Sunday, March 10 marked the end of an era for me.  I'm really kind of sad about it.  My baby, my last baby, turned three!  She's no longer a baby in any sense of the word other than I'll always call her that!  LOL  We celebrated her big day in a cold way at the Shawnee St. Patrick's Day parade with some of her closest friends, some capri suns, cupcakes and goody bags!  She had fun, cold or not...that's all that matters! ;)

She's such a big girl and so sweet I can't help but smile when I'm around her!  Trust me she can be a little spit fire too.  But the good out weighs the bad, tenfold!

Here is what Lucy is up to these days:
She can sing almost the entire song "Pontoon"
She loves make-up
She loves Dyna Babe, as she calls her.
She sneaks into our room almost every morning around 5am to get her morning snuggles and fall back to sleep between Jason and I!
She bathes herself, and attempts to wash her own hair.
She LOVES to dance...It's always, "Mama Dance With Me!"
She calls me Mama, melts my heart!
She has her Daddy wrapped around her finger!
She has the prettiest hair!
Her blue eyes are radiant
She sings her ABC's
She tries to tie her shoes
She can zip her own coat
She dresses her self and undresses herself
She loves PJ's of the footed variety (4T) gonna run out of that option soon!
She wears a 4T in shirts and pants, but has a 2T waist! LOL
She wears a size 9-10 shoe
She is a baby hoarder, real, fake, old, new doesn't matter she loves BABIES!
She loves to be told stories and to be read to, she'll even re-tell the stories
She loves her Bubby and Sissy, and they still love her!
She likes to run, ride her scooter, ride her bike and jump on the trampoline.
Her laughter can fill a room!
She can't say her c's so cat=tat, cookie=tookie, Corey=Porey you get the idea!
She is so sweet and so kind, I love this about her!

Here are some Lucy-isms:
I want you Mama
Uncle Porey
Chicks Dig The Wagon (Daddy's car)
Let's Dance
Sweet Dreams and Goodnight, every night at bedtime!  LOVE THIS!
I not mean.
What's for dinner?  Every meal in her mind is dinner so we hear this at least 3 times a day!
I don't want to be a big girl, mama, I wanna be two. (me too)
I wanna go to the gym.
Chloe Bear
Dyna Babe

Happy 3rd Birthday Little Lucy.  You're not as little as you once were, but as you grow bigger so does my heart and my love for you.  Stay sweet baby girl.  I love you lots! 

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