Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer is in Full Swing

Summer break has been going on in our house for about a month now!

Hard to believe it's already been that long!  Unfortunately, this is my first Summer back to Full-Time since Lucy was born!  I really miss my Friday Fun Days with the kids.  They don't seem to notice much though! 

Kristen married Nick on May 25th!  We were all in the wedding and it was so much fun!!

Mom has all six kids this summer.  Wyatt (10), Gage (9), Delaney (8), Garrett (7), Lucy (3) and Brilyn (1).  Not to mention Dad is retired!!  So we can count him as one more kid on the property!

Mom got a new car!!  Dad bought her a 2000 GMC Yukon!  So now that she can hold 8 in her car and not 2 they are on the GO!

They go to the BIG Shawnee Pool almost every day!  If they don't go there then they meet Jaimo and Kylie at Sue's pool!  They are all little fishes and LOVE the water, all the way down to Kylie and Brilyn!

Due to some hospital stays and sick family members we got some special fun days at the Dearing's, at home with Breana Schemmel, and over at Gerri & Emerald's!  Grandma was VERY sick and in the hospital for 33 days!  She's finally home as of Friday!!!!  Larry was sick and had to go back to NKC hospital and ended up having surgery, but he is home too now!  It's sad that the kids had to have these fun dates because life was crazy, but they had fun none the less, and I am so lucky to have such AMAZING friends in my life who are willing to step up and help out at the drop of a hat! 

Garrett turned 7 on June 14th! (seperate post about him to come)

Garrett's been racing his RC car with Jason every single Tuesday.  They are on a points system and Garrett is in 2nd place in his series currently.  He races adults!!  =)

Delaney, Lucy & I usually use the Tuesday nights as girl's night's and do fun stuff together!

We've spent lots of time at the parks lately, and going for walks!  We've been to the pool after work a few times as well as on the weekend!

We will be celebrating Garrett's bday this Sunday at Skate City with some friends/family!  He's so excited!

We have season passes to SDC and haven't made it out yet this year!  So we still need to squeeze that in!
I won two free passes to Oceans/Worlds of Fun through work so we'll be going there one day soon!

We will be going to Hutchinson, Burton, and Halstead, KS in August to visit family with Kristen and Nick!

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