Thursday, October 3, 2013

It's been a long time!

Wow!  Life has been a bit busy lately!  I haven't had much time to sit down and write it all out! 

It's hard to believe it's already October!  Time to figure out Halloween costumes for the kiddos! 

Here's what's been happening since my last post...on June 25!  Yikes!

Delaney started 4th grade!
Garrett started 2nd grade!
I started watching what I eat!  LOL, really trying to find something that works for me long term, I can lose weight no problem, it's the keeping it off that counts!
August 25, Grandma Turner went to Heaven to visit so many friends and family.  She died quickly which is good, but she also gave us about a week to go and say our good-byes and just spend time with her.  It was truly amazing how many people came to get closure.  How many came to sit with us, share memories with us.  People brought laughter, and tears, food, pop and beer.  Hugs, and hands to hold. She was such an amazing lady that touched so many people in her lifetime.  Always giving her best and seeing the best in everyone.  She believed in second, third an fourth chances.  She didn't give up on her family.  She kept everyone together!  I hope to be as good as her in my lifetime!  I hope to reach as many people and share my love with them. 
I got 3rd place people's choice in the car and bike show for my motorcycle!
I got to host Bunko for the first time in September!
I survived the Craft Fair!!!  Another successful year in the books!
Went to parent/teacher conferences last week and both kids are doing AMAZING!  I am so lucky to have two smart big kids!  I know Lucy will do just as well!  She starts preschool in the fall at MCCC!
Last weekend was the BBQ contest!  Good times!  ;)

Side notes:
We are now the proud owners of a 1931 Ford Model A!  Thanks Dad!
Jason's dad is still battling's a tough road ahead.  His latest scans show that the pancreatic cancer is getting better but the liver cancer is much worse.  It's hard to hear.  They are going to start with a new form of treatment to try to get ahead of it again.  But he's so sick as it is most days that I'm honestly not sure how much he can handle.  Please pray for him and his strength to keep fighting! 
We went to Jason's cousin Amy's house to go through about 15 of his grandmothers hand made quilts.  She's been gone since June 2004 and now that his grandpa is in assisted living we all got to go through and pick the ones we wanted! It was hard to choose, because they were all so pretty!  We ended up leaving with three of them!  I honestly would have taken them all! I've always loved quilts!!  It's even more special that she made these!
Dad's been filling in watching Lucy and Brilyn since he retired and Mom has been so busy getting GG's house ready for market.  They've stripped wallpaper, tore up carpet, painted, polished hard wood floors and cleaned the windows!   It's almost ready to go up for sale!  If you know anyone looking for a house in east Shawnee send them my way!  =)
Aric is working 7/10's out of town so Mom and Dad hang out at his place a lot to keep it "occupied" and watch the dogs!  Just one more reason my mom is a saint!  GG's house, my kid, Kimberly's kid, Aric's house and Aric's two dogs!!!  Geeze, I don' t know how she does it! 
Delaney started choir, she goes to school early every Tuesday and Thursday and so far she's loving it!  She has a pretty good voice!  She's at the age where she learns the songs in the car and knows them all and sings along!  I love this.  She's like a little iPod...not sure where she gets it! LOL
Jason's had a rough patch at work.  They let 8 people go in 2 weeks.  He was nervous.  But he survived.  As he should.  He is a hard worker, very smart and good at what he does.  He's been there 11 years and never really misses work except for vacation which he's required to take!  It's not easy saying goodbye to several co-workers in a matter of weeks.  I just keep praying he'll remain safe and we'll still be able to live the lifestyle we are now.  Though it's not glamourous we don't really want for anything.  We have 3 meals a day, a roof over our head and pleanty of hobbies!  (Mostly him, lol)
I am excited to be staying busy with photo shoots!  Coming up I have a senior portrait session, and three family sessions!  Loving this time of year with the leaves changing!!

Until next time...hopefully not months from now!

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